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These Great Green Bush-crickets (Tettigonia viridissima) were calling in bramble scrub at Dawlish Warren NNR just after sunset on a warm August evening.

They’re very hard to track down as there are so many singing at once that it’s almost impossible to zero in on one individual. When you do get up close to one the volume of the call is incredible.

Recorded with the built-in microphones on an Olympus LS-10. No post-processing needed, the crickets were loud enough to down out almost all the background noise!

Great Green Bush-crickets

2 Responses

  1. dennis kinghorn
    | Reply

    today 15/9/10 i was in my shed in leicestershire and noticed a green movement when i looked closer i saw what was to me a large green grasshopper i picked it up and put it on the garden in some bamboo looking on the internet i wish i had kept it for further checks although i did take some close up photos.

    • Tom
      | Reply

      Hi Dennis,

      If it looked like a giant grasshopper as opposed to the more typical bush cricket shape it may well have been a Great Green. Do you have any way of putting the pictures online so I can take a look?


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